
This is my Projects Portfolio.

Myoblast Fusion Index Determination

Sep 1, 2023

Open Source contribution. Documentation Coming Soon.

Simple 3D Chatter application

May 29, 2023

Introduction In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity of a digital communication platform for students has become increasingly evident. To cater to this demand, a...

simple SMTP & POP3 servers

Nov 10, 2022

Implementation of a Python POP3 Server for Email Management This paper presents the detailed implementation of a POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) server in Python for email management. The...

Web Scrawler With RDF Querying

Sep 1, 2022

Exploring a Python Script for Web Scraping & RDF Querying In today’s data-driven world, the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data is invaluable. Python, a versatile and powerful programming...

DeepLearning Nuclei Counting

Nov 22, 2021

Introduction The scientific field of histology is a branch of biology which examines the structure of biological tissues and cells [1]. For this, it is needed to have a visual...

Design and Construction of a Smart City Car

May 25, 2021

1. Introduction Automotive companies are in constant competition for technological advancement [1] . Companies such as Tesla, BMW, Audi, Waymo (Google), and others are currently experimenting with self-driving, or autonomous,...

Fourieranalysis & transformation

Sep 4, 2020

Introduction In the pursuit of approximating vibrations, the Fourier transform serves as a vital tool. These oscillations can also be expressed as combinations of trigonometric functions. By utilizing a limited...