
Personal Information

Address: Kortrijk, Belgium
Email: Ibrahim Elkaddouri
GitHub Linkedin

Employment History

Student Job - Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur, Vlaanderen, Brussels

  • Collaborated with the Diggieteam to implement Sparql queries.

Open Source Contributions

MyoFInDer - Myoblast Fusion Index Determination Software

  • Contributed to the MyoFInDer open-source project, primarily working on design and efficiency improvements.
  • Explored the Tauri framework for potential usability in refining the user interface.
  • Suggested separating the GUI from the Python backend, allowing for potential server-based execution.
  • Aimed to optimize the program’s storage footprint.


  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Rust, SQL, Sparql
  • Version Control: Git
  • Languages: English (fluent), Dutch (fluent), French (amateur)


  • Bachelor of Computer Science: Ku Leuven Universiteit, 2023
  • Master of Computer Science (In Progress): Ku Leuven Universiteit, Expected 2025